Signalling specialists

South Improvement Alliance

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North East Double Track works

The South Improvement Alliance was responsible for upgrade works to the Standard Gauge track (DIRN) between Melbourne and Sydney between roughly 2007 and 2010.

Peter Burns worked within the Signalling Team on scheme development and regulatory accreditation tasks.

One achievement was development of the North East Double Track scheme between Seymour and Wodonga. Initially conceived as a low cost hybrid layout, the first estimates for conversion of the existing broad gauge track were higher than budgeted cost without delivering hoped-for benefits.

Peter’s alternate scheme re-engineered and resignalled the corridor as true double track (with simplified bi-directional running) at significantly lower cost and demonstrating significant operational benefits.

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The old and the new

With additional funding obtained to double track the (then) new Wodonga bypass, the prospect of a fully double track link between Melbourne and Sydney came yet another step closer.

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Signal team at Albury

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