Signalling specialists


DSB_0007 0012

Relay technology at Pakenham

Pakenham resignalling was one of the final major commissioning events associated with the Regional Fast Rail project in 2006.

Pakenham existing interlocking was the first fully relay interlocking to be commissioned in Victoria after WWII. The challenge for the current works was that the signal constructors believed they needed a 48 hour signal changeover period before testing could start. A full week closure (with bussing and special timetable) of the Pakenham line would have been required to accommodate this need.

DSB_0028 0034

Wiring prepared for changeover

Peter Burns was the Connex Project Manager for these works.

By negotiating an adjustment to the scope (replacing some minor additional interlocking components with new technology) and re-engineering the changeover methodology, Peter ensured that the final commissioning became deliverable in a single long weekend (Queen’s Birthday 2006) supported by a program of preparatory works and testing in the preceding two months.

DSB_0029 0015

Final Relay Room with relay racks removed

The delivery of Pakenham in this way was instrumental in allowing the practical completion of the Regional Fast Rail project in the 2006 calendar year.

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