Signalling specialists

Our Professional Services.


On this Services (general) page, it is perhaps appropriate to ask why you need to engage a Consultant Engineer at all. What benefits do they deliver?

Benefits like “it just worked” or “the project finished on time and we all got our bonuses” are hard to translate into headlines. Even the truism that “$1 invested in good engineering at the front end will typically save $1000 at the back end” is hard to visualise.

There follow a couple of stories taken from Rick Atkinson’s Liberation Trilogy to illustrate, in a WWII context, some of the concrete differences which can flow from the sorts of activities Engineer Consultants typically propose and undertake.

Why engage an Engineering consultant? Visit our Blog

Rome wasn’t built in a day

A tavern not quite far enough

What We Offer?

PYB Consulting is a specialist in Railway Signal Engineering. Our experience extends to cover the interfaces with the other rail engineering disciplines (track, overhead, civil infrastructure, vehicle etc) as well as operations (staging, occupation planning, transport planning, signal schemes to achieve objectives expressed as passenger requirements, etc).

PYB Consulting operates from a small office in Melbourne. Whilst the majority of our assignments historically have been in Victoria and South Australia, we are organised for mobility so that we are able to operate at sites anywhere in Australia.

In the project environment, our involvement has been spread across all phases of major projects; from senior level participation in the study establishing the need for the project, through signal advisor in specification of project, senior member of bid team responding to specification, to senior member of final delivery team.

In the Rail Authority environment, our involvement has included standards development and management; type approvals management; signal advisor to the safety accreditations management processes.

Our services are generally of 3 categories:

Project Development
Project Delivery
Support and Advice

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Project Delivery

Sound track record as signal advisor to rail project delivery teams. For Brown Fields projects in a multi-discipline environment, staging strategy and technology selection can be significant drivers for cost and schedule.

Project Development

Translating transport operational needs into projects which deliver those needs is a specialist area we work in, particularly the signalling within a general multidiscipline environment. Scheme development, demonstration of achievable benefits, studies of options;

Support and Advice

Standards development, introduction of new technologies, type approvals and related change processes; Good record in conducting studies and producing reports to inform policies and other decisions.

Need more information about our team?

In a small consultancy such as ours, our services and capabilities build on the individual skills and experience of our team members. Call us if you would like more detail about our team skills.