Early days Bombardier
- ClientConnex Trains
- Duration of works1999 - 2003
- LocationMelbourne, Copenhagen
- Categories
Early development workshop
Following success at Nelson Point Yard, Peter Burns joined Bombardier’s TMF project initially as Systems Engineering Manager.
The focus at that stage, reflected in the photo above, was on requirements capture (matching to client specification) and allocating software requirements to modules within the TMS product architecture.
Later delivery workshop
Two years later, with Peter in the role of Development Manager, the emphasis has changed to delivery and schedule, again as reflected by the people at this workshop.
Later the same year, the role was that of Product Project Manager (one of two) and based in Copenhagen, as reflected by those in the two photos below.
Department head a happy customer
TMS Product developers celebrating Christmas
Melbourne TMF system in test environment
The project was cancelled in early 2003 as the need for a complete rewrite of yet another product software module was declared to the customer. The above photo is in Melbourne, close to the end and in the planned Metrol office and operating environment.